Akrila zilā loksne un Spoguļa akrila loksne from Oujia acrylic. Features and Benefits. Blue acrylic sheet is an excellent material that provides a variety of benefits. This lithium-ion model is famed for it is lack of heft, making it incredibly easy to transport. Further, it is almost unbreakable makes it an excellent option for places where safety is paramount such as hospitals and schools.
Tradicionālais stikls var saplīst, atstājot bīstamus asus gabalus, taču akrila zilās loksnes lieliski absorbē triecienus. Mēģiniet lietot Akrila spogulis zelts no Oujia akrila.
Papildus tam, ka akrila loksne ir fiziski izturīga, tā ir zila, piemēram, Sudraba akrila loksne Oujia akrils ir arī UV izturīgs, kas padara to ideāli piemērotu lietošanai ārpus telpām, kur plastmasa tiks pakļauta ilgstošai saules gaismai. Turklāt tehnoloģiskais progress un ar to saistīto funkciju attīstība, piemēram, pret skrāpējumiem izturīgs pārklājums vai pretatstarošanas virsmas, ļauj akrila zilās loksnes izmantot dažādās jomās.
Lai izvairītos no šiem negadījumiem un traumām, jums jāievēro akrila zilā lapa un Sudraba spoguļa akrila loksnes no Oujia akrila drošības protokoliem, strādājot ar to. Griežot vai apstrādājot ar šo materiālu, jums jāvalkā tādas lietas kā aizsargbrilles un cimdi. Priekšmeti, kas izgatavoti no akrila zilās loksnes, ir pareizi jāuzglabā un jāizmanto saskaņā ar ražotāja specifikācijām, lai tie būtu droši.
Acrylic blue sheet like the Atstarojoša akrila loksne shows it is versatility by being easily shapeable with saw blades and drills, making it useful for all manner of projects. It will look clean and fresh, no matter how it is used since the top layer itself is truly durable. Used as a sturdy flooring surface or protective cover for tables, acrylic blue sheet is both versatile and practical making it the preferred material in different applications.
Three three production bases, with more than 15 warehouses, situated Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi. Can be Acrylic blue sheet clients according their requirements, thereby reducing logistics costs.Over 20 service specialists offer customers better efficient services
1, More than 40000 square meters Workshops, over 300 employees with output 100tons/day.2 9 production lines, five cast acrylic lines, 4 extruded lines acrylic.3. A clean, dust-free workspace strict quality control. Check that uniformity of Acrylic blue sheetperformance kept.
1. The company has been Acrylic blue sheetby ISO14001 and ISO9001 certification, as well as 20 Patent Authentication2. OEM ODM service are available, A free sample is available a Free Logo Printing service available.3. Load safely with care. There two methods load. It doesn't matter whether you want pallets loose load, they're all protected.
Oujia one of largest manufactures of acrylic sheet, more than 20 years working experience. company is primarily focused on research development, as well as manufacturing sales, selling, import and export of acrylic sheet, cast ACRYLIC sheets, extruded ACRYLIC sheets (372 type), PS sheets, Acrylic blue sheetboards, light guide boards, acrylic rods, mirror sheets, acrylic tubes, other kinds of plastic boards, and other customized acrylic sheet.